Components for your Teaching Portfolio

There is no fixed form for a teaching portfolio. Each portfolio is unique, but usually contains most of the following sections:

A.  Section One: Introduction

  1. Portfolio Goals
  2. Portfolio Contents (so it is easy for the reader to find items)
  3. Résumé / Curriculum Vitae CV (Including: Personal Details – Education – Career History – Activities and Academic Memberships – Training – Achievements – Computer Skills – and any other information)
  4. Vision
  5. Mission
  6. Values

B.  Section Two: Roles, Responsibilities, and Goals

  1. Teaching Roles and Responsibilities (i.e. a statement describing your teaching roles and administrative responsibilities)
  2. Teaching Philosophy (i.e. a reflective statement of teaching goals and approaches)
  3. Future Goals for Professional Development

C.   Section Three:Course Materials

  1. Syllabi (i.e. a list of courses taught)
  2. Goals of the Syllabi
  3. Distributions of the Syllabi
  4. Marks Distribution of each Syllabi
  5. Sample Lesson Plans
  6. Sample Work Sheets
  7. Technology (i.e. a list of the technologies used in teaching)
  8. Samples of technologies used in teaching (i.e. PowerPoint Shows, Videos, Audio Clips. . . etc)

D.   Section Four:Student Learning

  1. Samples of Students’ Scores on tests, before and after instruction
  2. Samples of Students’ notebooks or other workbooks
  3. Samples of Students’ papers, essays, or creative works
  4. Samples of Students’ of Graded work from the best and poorest students
  5. Examples of your written feedback on student work

E.   Section Five: Evaluations of Teaching

  1. Examples of your students’ written feedback on your teaching
  2. Examples of your colleagues’ written feedback on your teaching
  3. Examples of your school principal’s written feedback on your teaching
  4. Examples of your supervisor’s written feedback on your teaching
  5. Your Self-Evaluation Form
  6. Portfolio Evaluation Form

F.  Section Six: Honors and/or Recognitions

  1. Teaching Awards
  2. Teaching Certificates of Appreciation

G.  Section Seven: Appendices


English Language Supervisor,

Amjaad MH.

2 thoughts on “Components for your Teaching Portfolio

  1. Wow.. I stumbled upon this blog by accident and all I can say is WoW!!! You really should advertise it more.. I think lots of people would benefit from a blog like this. Thanks for eveything.

    • Dear S,

      Thank you for visiting my blog.

      I have recently created this blog and helping ESL/EFL teachers around the world is the reason why I did.
      You are always welcome to post any comments/suggestions/requests.

      If you have any suggestions for advertising please let me know.

      Best Regards,
      English Language Supervisor
      Amjaad MH.

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